Styku 3D Body Scanner

Styku assembles a 3D model from more than 600 infrared images taken in seconds. The 3D model can be rotated, panned, and zoomed to evaluate each body part in great detail.

Once a model is created, Styku’s advanced feature recognition technology automatically finds detailed landmarks on the body (e.g. hip, bust point, etc), which are used to extract circumferences, volume, and surface areas for various regions of the body.

Styku provides DEXA-quality body composition with medical grade accuracy* and consistency at an affordable price and in a non-invasive experience. It’s called Styku Phoenix. Using the latest AI technology, Phoenix can predict your fat mass, bone mass, lean muscle mass, visceral fat, and more.

Once your scan is complete, you will receive an automatically sent report of your measurements taken. Overlay your body in 3D to track changes from scan to scan.

You can schedule your session by e-mailing The first session is FREE! Additional scans are available at member and nonmember rates. See club for details.